TTU Men’s Soccer Club Tryouts


Did you play soccer growing up? Would you like to continue your soccer career in a fun but competitive environment? Come tryout for the Tennessee Tech Men’s Soccer Club (TTUMSC)! We are a competitive club team that plays in Region 2 of the NIRSA conference against other schools like UTK, MTSU, and Vanderbilt. We are looking to build on the successes of our previous seasons while also looking to rebuild our squad depth.

Tryouts will be held on Wednesday, August 18th from 7-9PM while callbacks will be Thursday, August 19th from 7:30-9PM. These will both be on Field 1 of the Putnam County Sports Complex (497 Whiteaker Springs Rd, Cookeville, TN 38506).

Please stop by our booth at Mix and Mingle to signup or receive more information regarding tryouts and the club.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:

Jason Houbre (865-363-7353 / or
Shione Stengele (931-223-7165 /