Undergraduate STEM Research Seminar this week: J. Dittert, Z. Hinchman, B. Long


This week in the Undergraduate STEM Research Seminar, we’ll hear from three engineering majors who will describe their work helping to develop an on-campus ion beam laboratory. In his talk Designing an Ion Beam Laboratory and Ion Source, Braden Long, a Civil Engineering major, will describe his efforts to devise an effective layout for the main components of the beam line in the limited space available. Mechanical Engineering majors Jackson Dittert and Zachary Hinchman will then discuss their design for one of the beam line components in their talk Designing a Laser Ablation Ion Source.The seminar will be this Friday, October 22nd at 4pm in Volpe Library 248. It will be geared for undergraduates from any STEM major, but graduate students and faculty are also encouraged to attend! Visit the seminar webpage for more information and the current schedule of upcoming talks.