Undergraduate STEM Research Seminar: Darsh Dinger and Cameron Shepherd, Physics


The Undergraduate STEM Research Seminar this week features talks from Physics Majors Darsh Dinger and Cameron Shepherd. Darsh will describe his continuing work on a camera-based (very) low energy neutron detector in his talk Development of an sCMOS Position-Sensitive UCN Detector. Cameron’s talk, Exploring Nitrogen-Vacancy Magnetometry, will discuss his work constructing a quantum mechanical system sensitive to magnetic fields out of some diamond and a laser. The seminar will be this Friday, April 16th at 4pm. It is geared for undergraduates from any STEM major, but graduate students and faculty are also encouraged to attend! Contact Dr. Holley (aholley@tntech.edu) for connection information to the Zoom session. Visit the seminar webpage for more information and the current schedule for upcoming talks.