Student Research and Creative Inquiry Day set for April 20-21, 2022


Research and Creative Inquiry Day is an annual event designed to promote undergraduate and graduate student research and creative inquiry and provide a venue for presenting that work. The 17th annual event will be held in person from April 20 to 21, 2022, in the Hooper Eblen Center.

The abstract submission portal will be open from Wed., Feb. 2, through Wed., March 9. Abstract guidelines can be found on the Office of Research  website at

Additional event information will be sent out in the spring, but we wanted to give you an opportunity to start thinking about your submission early.

New for this event, we will be collaborating with the Center for Career Development to offer students a resumé-critiquing opportunity from 9 to 11 a.m., Thursday, April 21, and several potential employers will be invited to the general poster viewing session that day to provide students valuable networking opportunities.