Wings Up Welcome – Josh Hall


Dr. Josh Hall is a new member of the Biology Department in the College of Arts and Sciences. He teaches Human Anatomy and Physiology, Animal Physiology, and Comparative Anatomy. Here are a few facts you should know about him!

Where are you from?
I grew up in Milan, TN.

What degrees do you hold and where did you earn them?
I earned a bachelor’s with a double major in Biology and English from Union University in Jackson, TN. I got my master’s in Biology from Mississippi State University. I earned my PhD in Biology from Auburn University.

Tell us about your research area or the area of academic study you are most interested in:
My research is mainly concerned with ecological developmental biology. That involves studying the various ways that the environment during early-life has lasting effects on organisms later in life.

What is your favorite part of being at Tennessee Tech so far?
Cookeville is a great town and is surrounded by a broad range of natural areas/habitats that are fun to explore.

Welcome, Dr. Hall!