Rural Reimagined Faculty Recognition Fall 2021: Call to Faculty


Rural Reimagined Faculty Recognition Fall 2021: Call to Faculty
Since the implementation of the Grand Challenge: Rural Reimagined in March 2019, over $3 million in rural-related grants have already been activated. As the Fall 2021 semester approaches, Rural Reimagined wants to recognize all TN Tech faculty who have or are currently working on rural-related projects, coursework, or research. If you have received a rural-related grant, are working on any rural-related proposals or research, or plan to have rural-related objectives in your coursework, please email Kinsey Potter at so that we can recognize your work in supporting the success of our surrounding rural areas. For helpful resources such as secondary data sources and funding materials, visit We look forward to sharing your important work to both recognize its impact on our rural areas and to encourage our campus community to be involved in transforming rural living. Wings up!