Tennessee Education Association member drive


The Tennessee Education Association is a professional organization and state division of the National Education Association (NEA) open to all Tennessee teachers, including higher ed. TTU has an active chapter of TEA. It offers many leadership and professional development opportunities. For membership, it’s best to contact TTU TEA President Dr. Josie McQuail by phone or e-mail (jmcquail@tntech.edu), but it is also possible to join on the TEA website at http://www.teateachers.org/join-today (the local chapter asks for a $10 local fee to support activities and initiatives at TTU– mail to J.McQuail Box 5053, TTU with your membership application).  It is possible to join via Payroll deduction (contact J. McQuail for the form), bank draft, or check for the entire year, as you choose.  Included with membership is liability insurance and legal advice and representation through the Uniserve program. Membership applications are due in early September.