Sara Prinzi’s Farewell to Tech


Sara joined University Development in October 2019 as the major gift officer for the College of Education and the College of Arts and Sciences along with the mid-west region of the US.  She served both colleges and her region extremely well as she built new relationships and re-established existing ones.  She instituted the “Prinzi Drop Method,” a technique she brought to the Development team from her previous fund raising roles.  The team has found great success with this method of dropping a quick note and Tech swag by an alum or donor’s home or business – many times resulting in a deeper conversation or a gift.

In October 2020, Sara transitioned to the Associate AD for Development role.  She has partnered with AD Mark Wilson and the coaches to generate private support for each team.  She has met with almost 100 individuals over the last year who desire to support Athletics and our student-athletes.  Most recently, she has been instrumental in the Football Operations Center project which carries a $15M goal.  To date, Sara has placed over $2M in asks to potential donors to support the project.

Sara’s last day with the University is January 11, 2022.  Please join me in thanking Sara for her service to Tech and wishing her well at PragerU!