Pied for the Pantry: Change of Venue


This Thursday from 11 AM – 1 PM IN THE LOBBY of the Roaden University Center, the staff of New Hall North and Jobe/Murphy as well as the Campus Police Department will host a “Pied for the Pantry” event, raising money for the campus food pantry.  For $1 you can step up and choose which TN Tech Employee you would like to pie in the face for charity.

Volunteering to be pied are:

    • University Police, Officer Adkisson
    • Maddux/McCord, MS Cooper/Pinkerton and New Hall South Hall Directors, Natalya, Tim and Kashmoney
    • Long time pantry supporters, Mark Wilson and Matt Dexter, Athletics Director and Assistant Director
    • Auxiliaries Director, Kerri Demeri (parking, dining, etc.)
    • Head football coach, Dewayne Alexander
    • Dean of Students, Dr. Katie Willia
  • Greek Life Coordinator, Alyssa Robinson

Your donations and support allow the campus food pantry to provide nutritious options for those dealing with some level of food insecurity.  THANK YOU!!!