Golden Eagle father thanks Coach Polk Brown with gift to golf program


Darren Bassel says his son Alexander is in good hands at Tennessee Tech.

Thanks to the university’s reputation and Head Golf Coach Polk Brown, Bassel recently made a generous gift to support Tech’s golf program.

“When you’re a dad and your son is going to play college golf, you want to make sure the coach is a mentor, not only with athletics but also with academics,” said Bassel. “Coach Brown is that mentor. And Tennessee Tech is a great academic school.”

Donor support allows TTU Athletics to maintain and upgrade the Golden Eagle Golf Club, which improves current golfers’ performance and helps recruit future golfers as well. This gift, along with others, has been designated for development of a much-needed short game facility for the men’s and women’s golf teams.

Read the full story about Darren Bassel’s gift on Tech’s Development News website: Darren Bassel made a generous gift to the Tennessee Tech golf program in honor of his son, Alexander. (