Upcoming ARA Meeting: Addiction and Recovery Awareness on October 5th


Upcoming ARA Meeting: Addiction and Recovery Awareness on October 5th

The Addiction and Recovery Awareness @ TN Tech (ARA), a student-driven organization partnered with other state and regional agencies, raises awareness of use, abuse, and dependency on addictive substances. Additionally, ARA seeks to educate the community and provide resources and support for those in recovery through a variety of activities and peer support. The ARA Invites you to get involved in planning and promoting activities, educating the campus, and providing support for the TN Tech community. Membership is open to all currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff, and there are no dues. Please contact Dr. Lachelle Norris (lnorris@tntech.edu) or Dr. Steve Seiler (sseiler@tntech.edu for more information and the link to the first meeting, which is scheduled for October 5 (11:00 – 11:50) via Zoom. The link for the meeting is https://tntech.zoom.us/j/84383147161?pwd=WlNCblI1NkMwbTNBcnR5cXRBMWFXZz09 Wings Up!