Golden Eagle community invited to share NASA stories


On Dec. 7, 1972, NASA launched Apollo 17, the final moon-landing mission of NASA’s Apollo program. Next year marks the 50th anniversary of this launch and to celebrate, the Crawford Alumni Center plans to honor Tennessee Tech alumni, faculty, staff and students who have worked for NASA. The employment can be in any capacity (internship, co-op, full-time) and in any field (engineering, biology, marketing, communications, human resources, etc.). We know alumni and friends who have worked for NASA have amazing stories to tell, and we want to record those stories for future generations! We also plan to host a gathering of all Tech NASA alumni and friends in late spring of 2022. Please share your NASA story and let us know your interest in participating in this gathering via the following form:  Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management  Questions? Contact the Crawford Alumni Center at