Free Chemistry Activity Bags Giveaway- Saturday, Oct 23


In honor of National Chemistry Week, the Student Members of the American Chemical Society will be giving away free chemistry activity bags at the Putnam County library (50 E Broad St) from 12 – 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 23. The bags include a copy of the Celebrating Chemistry magazine, as well as goggles and supplies for several of the activities included in the magazine. The theme of NCW is “Fast or Slow: Chemistry Makes it Go” and helps teach people of all ages about reaction rates and factors that impact how fast chemical reactions happen. This event is open to the general community and is accessible to all ages and education levels, so please come get a bag and share this information with anyone that may be interested. The bags are first come first served and will be given out while supplies last. We hope to see you there! Questions can be sent to