5 Ways to Get Your First Internship in College


Internships are important

In this day and age, internships are not only encouraged, but they’ve also become a necessity. Working as an intern (most of the time without pay) will allow young students such as yourself the chance to dip their toes into the workplace and experiment with different careers. This can not only help you gain some much-needed working experience but will also aid you in making connections that will help you in the long run.

If you’re interested in getting your first internship offer while you’re in college, here are a few easy tips and tricks.

Tips and strategies

  1. Get to work on your cover letter and resume. This is the first thing a company will see about you, so it’s an important part of the selection process. A good cover letter and a cleverly designed resume can give you a leg up and put you in the “to interview” pile.
  2. Create a blog or website. If you want to go the extra mile, you can create your online portfolio (depending on your career of choice it may be a necessity). This will let potential employers get to know you and your work better. In turn, you can use analytics tools like leadfeeder to keep an eye on which companies are interested in you.
  3. Do your research. If there’s one particular company you’re hoping to land an internship in, it’s wise to do your research. Get to know as much of the company as possible (including their products/services) so that when it comes the time to be interviewed you will certainly peak their interest and stand out from your competitors thanks to the knowledge and passion you show them.
  4. Get advice from people who know the game. Make an effort to talk to professors, parents, other students, and anyone you can think of who can give you insight and help you prepare for the interviewing process. First impressions are important, especially during an interview process, so arming yourself with knowledge will help you be more confident when you’re at that stage.
    They can also help you get your foot in the door if they know someone who may be looking for an intern for the summer.
  5. Apply everywhere. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Much like college applications, it’s advisable to have plenty of options when it comes to internships, even if you already have a place in mind you want to go to. Spread your resume and cover letter far and wide to better your odds. Be proactive, search for listings on company websites, and don’t be afraid to explore choices outside of your chosen career. There is no better time for experimenting.


When it comes to landing an internship, there are several things to keep in mind, from your cover letter and resume to doing your research and even acing your interview. I know it may sound daunting to go through that process, but really, it’s not that hard. As long as you put in the work and make an effort, you’ll be landing your first intern position before you know it.

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