How To Successfully Return To College After Winter Break


How To Successfully Return To College After Winter Break

The month long hibernation is over, and it’s time to come back.

How To Successfully Return To College After Winter Break
Illinois State University

After completing my first semester of college, it completely and utterly drained me. By the time December hit, I was exhausted and in need of a long break. Thankfully, I had a month long winter break to enjoy. Coming back to school after my first winter break in college, I have many mixed emotions. I am nervous, sad, and mostly excited for the future.


Spending a whole month of break back in my hometown can be pretty overwhelming. But, it is also very comforting to see familiar faces from high school that I haven’t seen in awhile. Seeing those faces bring back so many fun memories that were experienced. Spending time with family, friends, and enjoying my hometown can at first be fun; but, after a couple weeks I was 100% ready to go back to school. I began to miss all my friends from college and living my life independently. I missed where I lived, and all the people I saw. I shockingly missed going to class and having a set routine every day. Being home from break gave me an excuse to lay in bed until 5 p.m. and although that seems fun, I enjoy waking up and having a productive day in college more.


As I enter my second semester in college as a freshman, I have many mixed emotions. I’m nervous for the new classes I’m taking, but also prepared for what’s to come. I am sad leaving behind friends and family, but I know I will see them again. I am mostly excited for this second semester because I am going into it with knowledge of how college works. I’m excited to make more memories with my friends and live my life to the fullest. I’m excited to become independent again and make the most of my college experience


Being home from break as a freshman has been a lot different than high school. Although being home is fun at times, I miss living my life in college. My friends back home are amazing, but I know they are just as eager to get back to their school just as much as I am. Catching up with friends from high school fills you with nostalgia, but that feeling will never go away. We will always make time for the ones we care about in life. We have to realize we are devoted college students and we all need to go back to school. We all had a memorable break, but it’s time to pack our things, go back to school, and make the most of your second semester.

SOURCEIllinois State University
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