Even though college is more demanding than high school, it isn’t impossible to maintain good grades. The following are a few simple tips that you can start following now to make sure you graduate with flying colors.

  1.     Go to Class

Going to college is a completely different experience from going to high school. Now you’re on your own, and it’s up to you to make it to class, so it can be a lot more challenging than you might expect. Attendance may not be a requirement for passing a class, but it will certainly help you maintain high grades. Not only will you get all the necessary information, but you’ll be showing your professor you’re making an effort. Not to mention, in-class quizzes or assignments can help add a few points to your average.

  1.     Read the Syllabus

You should always make yourself familiar with the syllabus for every class. The syllabus gives you all the information you’ll need for the course, like which books you need and what assignments are due when, but it will also outline your professor’s grading procedures. Once you know this information, you’ll know the best way to tackle tests and projects to get the best grades. Basically, the syllabus is a map to the class, and it will be hard to find your way around the class without it!

  1.     Take the Right Classes

There are some classes that you just have to take, according to your school’s General Education requirements. But for your major classes, you should be taking the ones that most interest you. Chances are that you have a variety of classes to choose from for each section of the major, which gives you a lot of freedom. Take advantage of this and choose classes in line with your personal interests. For example, if you’re an English major, but you hated reading Jane Eyre in high school, take American Literature instead of British Literature, if given a choice. The more classes you can take that actually interest you, the higher your grades will stay.

  1.     Get Extra Help

If you’re struggling with a particular class, don’t be afraid to get some extra help. If it’s a large lecture-based course, there is most likely a Teaching Assistant that can do tutoring sessions. If it’s a smaller course, you can approach your professor directly during their office hours to get clarification on assignments or content. If neither of those options works for you, try organizing a study group with members of the class. If you’re struggling, chances are that others are, too. Studying together means more brainpower and different perspectives. Don’t forget about on-campus resources like the library and writing center; those are filled with student employees willing to help.

  1.     Get Organized

A lot of times, poor grades come not because students are incapable of doing well, but because they haven’t managed their time properly. Getting organized can put a massive boost on your grade-earning capabilities. If you don’t own a planner, get one, or use your phone’s calendar app. Write down your class and work schedules and set times that you will sit down and study or work on homework. Seeing your plan on paper (or on-screen) will help you understand that it’s a task that needs to get done.

For individual classes, invest in color-coordinated folders and notebooks. This will help you organize class syllabi and other information as well as your own notes you take in class. If you prefer to take notes on the computer, make sure you back them up with a cloud service, so they’re easy to access from any device.

Concluding Thoughts

Despite the challenges of college life, maintaining good grades is simple, as long as you follow the above tips. If you are attending interesting classes, staying organized, and staying motivated, you will be certain to achieve the grades you deserve.

Source: https://www.theedadvocate.org/5-tips-for-keeping-up-your-grades-in-college/

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