8 Alternative Activities To Make The Best Of An Uneventful Spring Break


If Cabo San Lucas isn’t on your spring break agenda, these eight things can be.

Spring has sprung and it is time for that weeklong break from college. But what about the students who will not be traveling to a beach in another state?

Here are eight suggestions for those who plan to have an uneventful spring break.

1. Study, Study, Study

Spring break is a great time to review previous content from class or preview new material that will be covered. Most college students either just completed midterm exams or will be taking them after spring break.

Either way, refreshing yourself on course material will help with retaining information, which is incredibly useful for the final exam season.

Also, for students who are taking full course loads and working part-time jobs or internships, spring break is an opportunity to brush up what you did not have time for during a regular school week. Studying will most likely boost your sense of achievement and your confidence as well. After all, a happy GPA equals a happy(ish) life!

2. Execute Those Backburner Ideas

Whether you’ve got a website you want to launch, a book you want to write or an innovative idea you want to realize, there’s no better time to execute them then spring break. Spring is the season of rebirth and newness, so developing an action plan and hatch your ideas are just the perfect activities if your plan is still empty. 


If your goal is to develop a sock collection, start sketching and patternmaking. If you’ve been meaning to crack open that self-help book on your shelf, dust it off and read it.

Turning ideas into action and action into manifestation is a very productive way to spend a spring break because it’s highly unlikely that there will be time to do so afterward, and summer is for swimming.

3. Work

College can be the four best years of your life and certainly among the four most expensive ones. Students across the nation sometimes work two jobs just to live comfortably during this financially challenging time.

Of course, that isn’t the case for all students, but everyone can agree that a little extra cash never hurt anyone’s pocket. It comes in handy. If you have a job, there’s plenty of money you could make.

But if not, consider cutting grass, tutoring or helping your roommate revise their resume (they may not pay you, but it’s worth a shot). A week’s worth of work could help out in many smalls ways, such as covering gas or booze at the next tailgate. Also, parents tend to appreciate one less money call or transfer.

4. Have a Staycation

Staycations are underrated but often appreciated once taken. Consider going back to your hometown or exploring new territory in your college city.

Oftentimes, in college, students immerse themselves in on-campus activities and rarely get to explore the actual town. More than likely, there’s an event, festival or celebration of some sort happening near your college campus.

There’s also probably a lot going on in your hometown, especially if you reside in a big city. Websites such as Eventbrite or Ticketfly can help you find different activities to participate in.

Choosing a staycation over a vacation will save a ton of money and travel time as well as allows you to discover new things to do in the place you live.

5. Declutter

The saying “out with the old, in with the new” fits no season better than spring. Flowers are blossoming, dead leaves are gone and everything is simply fresh. For many people, it’s a time to reform themselves mentally, physically and sartorially, and the best way to start is by decluttering. 

If you haven’t worn or used something in the past six months, get rid of it. There’s no room for the new and improved thing if you hang onto every old and tattered thing, including your mentality.

Mental decluttering has the same effects as physical decluttering does, particularly stress and anxiety. Taking the time to write things down and checking tasks off makes a difference in the way you live and process your thoughts. Do yourself a favor this spring break and declutter.

6. Plan and Prepare

Similar to “executing those backburner ideas,” planning and preparing for what’s next is a great way to prepare for the future. With graduate season peeking around the corner, those planning to attend grad school should use spring break for preparations, such as finalizing application materials.

If you have already had an idea of which industry you want to work in, use spring break to reach out to companies for a shadowing or internship opportunities.

Or if you don’t have a plan yet, this break is the time to form one. Planning and preparing ahead of time is extremely beneficial since it provides you with a sense of direction, turning much of our fear of the unknown into excitement and anticipation.

7. Create Original Work

If you aren’t an art or English major, creating original content is probably not an integral part of your course curriculum. Sometimes drawing a stick figure in your notes during an 8 a.m. lecture is as creative as it gets, but expression through art is powerful and extremely therapeutic.

Creating original work is a great start to a very relaxing spring break. The focus and attention that it takes to create something tend to help students cope with the challenges of a collegiate environment.

Additionally, when someone creates an original work, it provides a sense of achievement and ownership. Knowing that your painting, writing, abstract drawing or design is completely yours is empowering and definitely worthy of a part of your spring break schedule.

8. Netflix Your Way Through It

Catching up on a show you’ve been meaning to watch is another good way to spend your spring break. Immersing yourself in a different world provides a sense of escapism that, at this point in the semester, could be much needed yet hard to find.

Healthy binging is totally socially acceptable, so feel free to browse Netflix’s binge-worthy category. For those staying in their college towns for spring break, Netflix has plenty of educational documentaries and original series that will easily ease your feeling of guilty for not studying.

Good luck trying to Netflix your way through spring break without developing too many para-social relationships.

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