10 Small Things Students Should Be Thankful For


We all know we’re supposed to be thankful for the big stuff at this time of year—friends, family, your education, your job, food, good health. That stuff is no secret, and you’ll find plenty of memes and posts across the internet to remind you to be thankful for all that.

But this Thanksgiving, don’t just think of the big things you’re grateful for. Think of the little things too; the things that make life worth living for college students.

1. The friend who pays for Spotify

Nothing is worse than having to listen to ads every other song when you’re hanging out with friends having an impromptu karaoke session. Nothing, that is, except paying $10 a month for the privilege of not having those ads. Be thankful for your friend group’s DJ this season, especially if they let you choose the music.

2. Netflix

No commercials. No waiting a week for the next episode. No brainer.

3. Late-night delivery

Is it even really a Saturday if you don’t order food at midnight? Remember to be thankful for not just the pizza but the delivery person and those who made the food for you as well. They are true heroes because they keep you from having to go out in the cold or (worse) make it yourself.

4. Chocolate

Is there anything as universally perfect as chocolate? Is it not the perfect pick-me-up snack for a down day? Remember to be thankful for chocolate, especially when it’s in pie or cake form on the Thanksgiving dessert table.

5. When the library has your textbooks

Or finding a PDF online. Or your roommate sharing their textbook with you. Or when the professor just copies the chapters you need and gives them to you as handouts. Or when you just never bought the book and still haven’t used it in class. Essentially, just be thankful for all the ways you’ve saved money on textbooks this semester.

6. The snooze button

Life hack: if you set your alarm(s) early, you can hit the snooze button guilt-free for your extra five minutes. Besides, who doesn’t love the challenge of hitting snooze one too many times and trying to see if you can still get to class on time?

7. Coffee

Aka your blood during finals (read: in two weeks), midterms, all-nighters, and sometimes just life in general. Without coffee, college students wouldn’t survive a week. (Really no one would survive a week.)

8. Having friends in your class

Having a friend in your class means you always have someone to do homework with, someone to commiserate with, someone to gossip with, and someone to pass notes to. All very important things.

9. Puppies

Seriously? What did we do to deserve dogs?

10. Long weekends

Who doesn’t love a long weekend? Extra time to do homework (read: sleep), hang out with friends, and just relax in general. The especially good ones last more than three days, like the one for Thanksgiving!

Enjoy your Turkey Day, everyone!

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