Sign up for a Pen Pal

Social distancing can be incredibly isolating, but have no fear – Project AWAKEN is here! Sign up for a pen pal to stay connected...

Counseling Center support during COVID-19

The counseling center is still available to support students. Students may make an appointment to speak to a counselor via secure Zoom at

CITL Here to Assist Faculty!

The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) continues to provide support to faculty and departments during the campus transition to delivery of...

Online Teaching Workshop this Thursday via Zoom!

The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) announces its last Tech Teaches workshop for the spring semester. Dr. Sandi Smith-Andrews will provide...

Human Resources Notification: EAP

Your HR team wanted to remind you that if anyone feels that they need additional support during this time, please contact the Employee Assistance Program (toll...

Tennessee Tech Today

Here is this week’s Tennessee Tech Today radio show: This week, Provost Lori Bruce talks about Tennessee Tech classes going totally online for the first...

Student Government Association Elections

Do you want to represent student interests and collaborate with the administration to make a difference at Tennessee Tech? If so, the Student Government...

Congratulations to those who earned externally funded awards in March

The following individuals earned externally funded awards last month: Indranil Bhattacharya (PI) and Joseph Biernacki (Co-PI): National Science Foundation   Glenn Cunningham (PI) and Ethan...

NSF announces deadline and webinars for Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program

NSF recently announced Aug. 25 as the deadline for Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program proposals. NSF’s Division of Undergraduate Education and the American Association...

Families First Coronavirus Response Act

When an employee is unable to work and cannot telecommute, there are several options available to them. Employees may elect to take annual leave...