Last call for the Campus Climate Survey!!

The campus climate survey is ending soon!! Please take 20-30 minutes out of your busy schedule and complete the campus climate survey. The survey was...

Campus Climate Survey Ends Soon

The campus climate survey is ending soon!! Please take 20-30 minutes out of your busy schedule and complete the campus climate survey. The survey...

Denim Day is TODAY

Join the Women’s Center, Counseling Center, and Project AWAKEN in raising awareness of sexual assault by participating in Denim Day TODAY!! All you have...

Excellent Advisor Nomination

Don't miss your chance to nominate a faculty or professional advisor for the 2020 Excellence in Advising Award.  A plaque and cash award will...

Denim Day

Join the Women's Center, Counseling Center, and Project AWAKEN in raising awareness of sexual assault by participating in Denim Day on Wednesday, April 29th!...

Last Chance Co-op Meetup offered via ZOOM on Wednesday, April 29 at 11 a.m.

Did you accept a summer or fall co-op position OR an internship requiring you to enroll in the Cooperative Education Program, yet have not...

Tennessee Tech Alumni Book Club to read Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover

Our alumni, faculty, staff, and students have spoken, and the book they'd most like to read for the Tennessee Tech Alumni Book Club is...

Calling all Golden Eagles! Help us design YOUR Senior Salute Tee-shirt!

The Center for Career Development wants YOUR help designing the next Senior Salute Tee-shirt!  This shirt is given by our office to all graduating...

Tennessee Education Association Invites Member Applications

The Tennessee Education Association advocates for K-12 and higher education public school educators.  If you are not a member, you can join now through...

Tennessee Tech Trivia LIVE! Apr. 24

Join the Crawford Alumni Center for a Tennessee Tech Trivia LIVE! event on Friday, April 24, at 7:00 p.m. We'll feature questions from some...