Research Panel: Using Spatial Data to Understand the COVID-19 Pandemic
Please join the Department of Earth Sciences and GeoClub this Thursday for a research panel: Using Spatial Data to Understand the COVID-19 Pandemic. The...
Diversity & Inclusion Seminar Series October 22
The Computer Science Diversity Committee is hosting a Diversity & Inclusion Seminar Series featuring four amazing speakers. Thursday, October 22, Dr. Margaret Burnett will...
Turkey/Ham Program for Holiday Food Baskets
The Campus Food Pantry is partnering with the National Society of Black Engineers and the Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Club in order to provide...
Research 101: Identifying Funding Opportunities
Today is the last day to register for the next session of the Research 101 Workshop Series: Identifying Funding Opportunities taking place on October...
Eagle’s Flight Presentation-October 22nd
Come hear Ms. Kate Nicewicz, the Director of the MBA program, speak on the importance of travelling and intercultural awareness. She will also talk...
Reminder of Scholar-Mentor Award nomination deadline of Nov. 13
The University established the Scholar-Mentor Award to honor Tennessee Tech's long history of close relationships between faculty and their students. The award honors a...
Sick Leave Bank Enrollment – Faculty & Staff THROUGH October 31, 2020
The annual enrollment period for Faculty and Non-Faculty Sick Leave Banks is October 1 through October 31, 2020. If you are already a sick...
Check out the Sustainable Book Display in the Volpe Library!
Happy Sustainability Month! Take some time this month to check out the Sustainable Book Display in the Volpe Library while you are studying. This...
Operation Christmas Child 2020
The Annual Service Learning and Nursing Collaborative Project, Operation Christmas Child, will continue this year. However, it will look a little different in order...
Apply for Next Year’s Scholarships by December 15
The general scholarship application for the 2021-2022 academic year is due Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020. All students must complete this application in order to...