JDAG Virtual Artist Lecture – Grant Benoit
Please join the Joan Derryberry Art Gallery in a virtual artist lecture with the current artist on display, Grant Benoit!
Date: March 30, 2021
Time: 3:30...
“Chillin’ like a villain!” -Descendants
We hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break last week and were chillin’ like a villain. With our first week back from break we...
RA Application Open
If you are looking for a leadership opportunity at Tech for the 2021-2022 school year, this could be the perfect opportunity.
The application is due...
Diversity in Engineering Event
Diversity in Engineering Event hosted by National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, and Women in Cyber Security to promote awareness of...
Diversity & Inclusion Seminar Series March 25
Join the Computer Science Diversity Committee in welcoming Luis Velazco, the 3 speaker of the Spring semesters Diversity and Inclusion Seminar Series TODAY at...
Water Pros & Engineers Without Borders (EWB) hear from The Nature Conservancy!!
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and TTU Water Professionals will be hosting their third joint meeting of the semester THIS Thursday, March 25th during dead hour...
One World Multicultural Virtual Event
Join student organization, One World, as they welcome guest speaker, Linda Ragsdale, for the online version of this annual favorite, One World Multicultural Evening.
Mindfulness March-Be Kind To Your Mind Workshop update
The Counseling Center's Mindfulness March Virtual Workshop-Be Kind to Your Mind will be available on Instagram Live @TNTech Counsel at 11:00am on Thursday, March...
There’s still time to register for Eagle Works 2021!
Eagle Works registration closes on Tuesday, March 30! Join students from programs across campus to compete for awards totaling $20,000. Eagle Works is a...
Call for EDGE QEP course grant applications with important changes for 2021-2022
EDGE: Enhanced Discovery through Guided Exploration is TTU’s Quality Enhancement Plan. Since 2015, the EDGE Creative Inquiry Course Grant Program has offered Faculty the...