Earth Day Litter Pickup with Tri-Beta

Join the Tech Beta Beta Beta club Saturday, April 24th for a litter pickup! In honor of Earth Day, we are working with the...

Open Call to Artists and Curators

The Appalachian Center for Craft (ACC) is pleased to receive submission proposals from artists/craftspeople and curators for exhibitions for 2022 and 2023. The ACC is...

Final Virtual Rural Reimagined Club Meeting of the Semester- Tues, Apr. 13, 11am

The Rural Reimagined Club (RRC), Tennessee Tech’s Grand Challenge initiative to transform rural living through science, technology, and innovation, wants to invite you to...

We are about to break ground on activity field project

Members of our Golden Eagle Marching Band won’t have very far to march in order to practice their on-the-field routines. We will be breaking ground...

Apply for Board of Trustees Student Representative

Are you interested in representing the student body as the student member of Tennessee Tech’s Board of Trustees? Applications for the Student Representative position are...

Save the date for Solidarity with Survivors

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, please save the date for Solidarity with Survivors on Wednesday, April 14th at 7 P.M. via Zoom....

Community Service Project Opportunities

Alpha Phi Omega is looking for students interested in joining them for community service opportunities on and near campus. We're having an  organizational meeting...

Attention GAs: Tax Implications-’21 SP

The Office of Graduate Studies is now sending a listing of the tuition benefits paid each semester on your behalf to the Payroll/Business Office....

Careers n’ Coffee featuring Trinity School of Medicine is Wednesday, Apr. 14

Are you planning to attend medical school? Trinity School of Medicine, located in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Eastern Caribbean, offers an...

Careers n’ Coffee featuring Fastenal is Tuesday, Apr. 13

Join Fastenal at their Careers n’ Coffee event on Tuesday, Apr. 13, from 11am to 1pm in the Roaden University Center Swoops Food Court...