Virtual Research and Creative Inquiry Day set for April 2021

Research and Creative Inquiry Day is an annual event designed to promote undergraduate and graduate student research and creative inquiry and provide a venue...

2020 Angel Tree

The Student Involvement & Leadership is sponsoring an angel tree again this year.  The ornaments are ready for selection.  Register your ornament at the...

Tennessee Tech Today for this week

Here is this week’s Tennessee Tech Today radio show: This week’s show includes Alice Camuti, associate dean of the College of Graduate Studies, discusses waiving entrance...

Annual Security Awareness Training Reminder

As the holidays are quickly approaching, we wanted to remind you all of your annual Security Awareness Training. Currently, only 35% have completed this...

History of the Black Cultural Center Digital Exhibit Open

Need a break from the end of the semester grind? Check out the Tennessee Tech Archives's newest digital exhibit on the history of the...

JDAG Virtual Talk with artist Katie Hudnall

Start the weekend off right with a virtual discussion on Friday at 4 p.m. with JDAG artist, Katie Hudnall. Hudnall received her BFA from the...

Beyond the Depths: Aaron Guinn Senior Thesis Exhibition

Beyond the Depths:  Aaron Guinn Senior Thesis Exhibition   Senior Thesis Exhibition for Bachelor of Fine Arts in Clay   Appalachian Center for Craft is pleased to announce...

Simply Southern: Cameron Adcock Senior Thesis Exhibition

Simply Southern:  Cameron Adcock Senior Thesis Exhibition Senior Thesis Exhibition for Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting Sometimes people can be funnier than the joke. It...

Diversity and Inclusion in STEM Presentation- Nov 19

The Student Members of the American Chemical Society (SMACS) and Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) chapters are hosting Benny Chan, Professor...

Firefly: Sara Dotson Senior Thesis Exhibition

Firefly:  Sara Dotson Senior Thesis Exhibition   Senior Thesis Exhibition for Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fibers   Sara Dotson will present her BFA senior thesis exhibition, “Firefly...