Education Career Fair is in Memorial Gym on Tuesday, Mar. 2


Join the Center for Career Development and the College of Education for the annual Education Career Fair on Tuesday, Mar. 2, from 10am – 12pm in the Memorial Gym. ALL students, ALL majors are invited to participate to learn about career opportunities with school systems.

Students should come dressed to impress, bring plenty of resumes, be prepared to discuss your career interests with employers, and have their Eagle Card on hand to obtain a personalized name tag. This event counts toward Career Readiness Certification.

All participants will be required to follow Campus Return to Tech Guidelines in regards to social distancing and face coverings.

We will also ask that you come to the event as follows if at all possible:

Last name begins with A – M: 10 am – 11 am
Last name begins with N – Z: 11 am – 12 pm

Career Fairs are a NO BACKPACK Zone. Please leave your backpack in your car or room.

Career Fairs are hosted by the Center for Career Development.