Virtual Employer Spotlight featuring Tennessee Valley Authority is Thurs, Feb 25


Join Tennessee Valley Authority at their Virtual Employer Spotlight on Thursday, Feb. 25, from 10am to noon! Recruiters will be discussing summer internship opportunities in information technology services and computer science. Be a step ahead and apply directly through your Handshake account!

The event schedule for the Virtual Employer Spotlight will be as follows:

10:00am-10:10am  Presentation/Info from Employer

10:10am-11:00am  Open Forum

11:00am-11:10am  Presentation/Info from Employer

11:10am-noon        Open Forum

This Virtual Employer Spotlight will be held on Webex, so register for this event in Handshake Events to receive access information. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with recruiters about their great opportunities!

Employer Spotlight events are hosted by the Center for Career Development.