Alpha Phi Omega Spring Recruitment — First Info Meeting


Alpha Phi Omega at Tennessee Tech is starting its spring recruitment next week. We are currently an extension group looking to obtain our charter and are looking for any student interested in community service opportunities and developing leadership skills to join as charter members. Alpha Phi Omega is the largest, co-educational intercollegiate service organization in the United States, with international chapters in the Philippines and Canada, and over 500,000 members since 1925. Some of the projects that the group has done sin the past year includes a tornado relief drive, card-making for senior citizens and first responders, and a blood drive in November collecting almost 50 pints of blood for the local community.

We will be meeting on Tuesday, February 2 at 7:00 pm in the new Laboratory Science Commons, room 1201  (to the right of Einstein Bagels as you enter the building from the front). The meeting will also be available on Zoom if that is more convenient for some people:

Meeting ID: 816 7306 2170
Passcode: 1925

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at