Constellations by Nick Payne


We invited you to see a show about a relationship lived through multiverse of choices. You can see what happens to Roland and Marianne as they make different decisions in multitude of universes. Although the same people, their story is never the same twice.

LIVE PERFORMANCES:  Dec 4 (Friday) at 7pm at Derryberry Auditorium

Dec 5 (Saturday) at 7pm at Derryberry Auditorium

Dec 6 (Sunday) at 7pm at Derryberry Auditorium

Tickets are free based on first come, first serve basis. If you want to reserve a spot in advance, email us at

Seats are limited due to COVID precautions and masks are required at all times. No food or drink is allowed in the auditorium. Doors open at 6.30pm. More information at