JDAG Virtual Talk with artist Katie Hudnall


Start the weekend off right with a virtual discussion on Friday at 4 p.m. with JDAG artist, Katie Hudnall.

Hudnall received her BFA from the Corcoran College of Art & design and her MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in Furniture Design/Woodworking. She has been the recipient of a Virginia Museum of Fine Art Fellowship, the Windgate Wood Residency at the University of Madison, Wisconsin, and Anderson Ranch Residency and most recently a Creative Renewal Fellowship Grant from the Indianapolis Arts Council. She lives and works in Madison, WI, where she is an Assistant Professor and Head of the Wood Program at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Her work is on display in the Joan Derryberry Art Gallery in the RUC.

Zoom link for virtual talk: https://tntech.zoom.us/j/82718704112?pwd=VGI2bHQvVUJQSlE1WW5odVluWjFKQT09