Alpha Phi Omega Informational Meeting


Any student interested in community service and leadership development opportunities is invited to come to Alpha Phi Omega’s informational meeting on Wednesday, October 21, at 5:00 PM in Stonecipher Lecture Hall 126. The meeting will also be available via ZOOM at:

Meeting ID: 878 3488 3069
Passcode: apo1925

Alpha Phi Omega is the single most represented co-educational intercollegiate service organization in the United States.  Since 1925, more than 500,000 members on over 375 campuses, continue to provide more service on more campuses than any other collegiate service organization. It is the vision of Alpha Phi Omega to be the premier, inclusive, campus-based, leadership development organization through the provision of service to others and the creation of community.

Please sign up on the interest form below for more information: