Operation Christmas Child 2020


The Annual Service Learning and Nursing Collaborative Project, Operation Christmas Child, will continue this year. However, it will look a little different in order for us to follow proper health and safety precautions. You can pick up a flyer at RUC Room 119. You can also learn more about the program at https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/

    • Donation Drop-off:

October 19 – November 17

    • | RUC 119 and TTU Campus Food Pantry in Tech Village. More locations may be added along the way.


    • Drive-thru Drop-off:

November 17, 2020

    • between 11am and 2pm at the Roaden University Center. Pull down to the unloading zone where volunteers will collect bags from vehicles. Please have your items in a clear plastic grocery or Ziploc bag and include your $9 shipping fee.


    • Outside Packing Party:

November 19, 2020

    11am – 2pm on Centennial Plaza. We will have all collected items sorted on tables for you to make boxes onsite and donate to the shipping fee. Volunteers will be wearing gloves and masks to assist you in making boxes.

Please check the website for suggested items for a box and prohibited items.

If you have questions please contact the Service Learning Center, 931-372-6120