LGBTQ+ Support Group- Tomorrow Night!


Many LGBTQ+ individuals experience negative mental health issues due to the prejudice and other biases they face- even the act of coming out is surrounded by fear for many. In fact, research suggests that queer people experience mental health conditions at a rate almost 3 times higher than the general population.

Without mental health we cannot be healthy. It is our hope that LGBTQ+ individuals find this support group to be a safe outlet for them to discuss these challenges and find a sense of community online. We want LGBTQ+ students at Tech to not just make it through their time here, but to flourish- you are worthy of a full and free life.

This group is open to anyone who identifies anywhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, including those who don’t know what that means for them! Participants are welcome to come and be accepted as themselves.

This group meets every Thursday evening from 6:15-7:15 on zoom. Participants may choose to be public or anonymous in the zoom meeting. Please email for the zoom link.

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