Purple Career Readiness Workshop Sept. 24:What Employers Really Look For


Join the Center for Career Development on Thursday, Sept. 24, beginning at 11:00 a.m. in Clement Hall 212 for this Purple Career Readiness Workshop! Find out what employers are looking for when reviewing resumes and interviewing potential candidates.

This event is open to all students in all majors and counts towards the Purple Career Readiness Certificate for junior and senior students. Bring your Eagle Card for a quick sign-in. https://tntech.joinhandshake.com/events/543917/share_preview

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the limited seating capacity in Clement Hall 212, we are limited to 40 participants. Please arrive early to secure your spot if you wish to join the in-person workshop.

To join virtually, access the VIRTUAL: What Employers Really Look for When Reviewing Resumes and During Interviews at:
https://tntech.joinhandshake.com/events/573406/share_preview and join via TEAMS. Please have the TEAMS app loaded, prior to your accessing the virtual workshop.

Career Readiness Workshops are hosted by the Center for Career Development.