Service Animal ESA Guidance


The Accessible Education Center (AEC) would like to remind everyone the differences between an ESA and a Service Animal. Only Service Animals are allowed in classrooms and buildings. There are only two types of Service Animals approved by the ADA: dogs and miniature horses.  Service animals perform an important task for individuals with disabilities.  No documentation is required and there are only two questions an individual may ask to determine whether or not an animal should be in a building or classroom.

1. Is this a service animal?

2)What service or task does the animal perform?

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) provide comfort and emotional support and are only allowed in the individual’s residence, or outside for exercise etc. Emotional support animals will not be in classrooms or campus buildings.  Documentation is required from the appropriate professional evaluator or clinical psychologist for approval of an ESA on campus and may be submitted to the AEC for consideration. Many animals including dogs, cats, certain reptiles, or other approved small animals may be considered an ESA.

Note:  Animals that cause undue noise or pose a direct threat to others will be removed from campus.

Questions may be directed to the Accessible Education Center at 931-372-6119 or by emailing  More information can be found on Policy Tech ESA Policy 306 .