Paying on Your Student Account


Many questions regarding your student account, making payments, selecting meal plans and parking permits, refunds, and enrolling in deferred payment plans can be answered using our tutorial videos and downloadable resources.

Having trouble paying and confirming your account by August 22, 2020? If so, you can extend your deadline by enrolling in Save Your Seat.

Payments can be made online 24/7 by students or their authorized users.

Payments can be mailed using a paper check using the below address (make sure to include your student ID/T-number on the memo line of the check)

Mailing Address:
Tennessee Tech University
Business Office
Campus Box 5037
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001

In person payments can be made at cashier windows 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and student account help is available at accounts receivable windows 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday on the 1st Floor of Derryberry Hall.

Enter Derryberry Hall 1st floor from the east entrance only and exit through the west entrance only.

Students needing assistance from the Bursar and Business Office will enter a queue on the east end of the first floor with clear exterior signage directing them to the correct door. Once in the queue students will be directed where to receive service in a socially distanced manner. Questions and help are also available by emailing

Anyone needing to access the second, third, or fourth floors of the building should use the main 2nd floor front entrance or the first floor stairwell through the designated east entrance to the building. Please also use the east entrance for elevator access.