TTU Native Plant Garden needs your help!


The TTU Native Plant Garden is in need of a weed-intervention! Due to the COVID-19 transition to online last spring, we didn’t have any students or volunteers to help with weeding and working in the garden. The garden really needs help and we want to make it look as nice as possible before students return. Now that the summer heat is beginning to wane, it’s not as bad to work in the garden. If you are available to volunteer, we would be extremely appreciative. Social distancing and mask guidelines will be observed for all volunteers to ensure everyone’s safety.

There are two ways to become involved:

    1. If you are TTU faculty or staff: from within MS Outlook, look for “groups” and search for TTU Native Plant Garden and join the group mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time, but I will send emails through this group for volunteer days and update the calendar.
  1. If you are a student or know a community member that wants to help: you can email me at and I will add you to this list.

Thank you so much!

Shawn Zeringue-Krosnick