Food Pantry Needs


THANK YOU to so many of you, across campus, who have been checking in concerning the needs of the campus food pantry in the midst of COVID-19.  We have had a difficult time, as have other community pantries, staying stocked due to limitations on bulk buying in the grocery stores.  We do, however, continue to serve the campus.  Below are the current needs:

    • Canned Meats


    • Canned Fruits


    • Condiments (ketchup, mayo, etc.)


    • Rice


    • Bottled Water


    • Sports Drinks


    • Toiletries (shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc.)


    • Laundry Detergent


    Toilet Paper

Drop Offs: Mondays and Thursdays 3:30 – 5:30 PM at Tech Village, 910 N. Willow Ave (connected to the laundry building)