Eagle Works Rural Reimagined Award Student Spotlight: Annalicia Larsen


The Center for Rural Innovation held its annual Eagle Works competition on April 18, 2020, and a special congratulations goes to Agriculture student Annalicia Larsen for winning the Rural Reimagined award of $2,500 for the innovative idea that could most impact rural communities! Annalicia’s “Working Women Design Co.” provides pants specifically designed for working women that are both functional and trendy. Annalicia found her inspiration to design pants through her struggle to find ones that she liked to wear while working on her family’s farm growing up. She states, “Just because I’m in Agriculture doesn’t mean I can’t have cute and trendy clothes on. Women have always been in Agriculture, but it’s getting more popular! My overall goal is to serve these women and give them clothes they love to work in.” Rural Reimagined sees a bright future of impacting rural through Working Women Design Co. Wings up, Annalicia! Stay tuned for upcoming stories and updates!