Center for Rural Innovation and LBRC Fight COVID-19 Rural Economic Injury


The Center for Rural Innovation (TCRI) is proud to announce its partnership with the Local Business Resource Collective (LBRC), a COVID-19 intervention taskforce with a mission to save small businesses and jobs in the rural Upper Cumberland region. The LBRC is a partnership between the TCRI, the Cookeville Small Business Development Center, the Biz Foundry, and WCTE Upper Cumberland PBS. TCRI Director Michael Aikens states, “We want the entrepreneurs of the Upper Cumberland to know the LBRC is a one-stop-shop to receive no-cost resources to help their businesses survive and thrive throughout the pandemic and beyond.” One free resource the LBRC offers is themed weekly community Zoom calls where business owners can interact with subject matter experts from Tech and the community to discuss topics surrounding remote working strategies, continuity and contingency planning, legal matters, finance, and more.