Tennessee Education Association Invites Member Applications


The Tennessee Education Association advocates for K-12 and higher education public school educators.  If you are not a member, you can join now through the NEA Early Enrollment Program. It began April 1.
Go to the website, www.nea360.org to join or download a form at http://www.teateachers.org/sites/default/files/TEA%20Membership%20Form%202020_web%20only.pdf
Complete it and either email it to jmcquail@tntech.edu  at danderson@tnea.org or drop it in the mail to TEA, Attn-Membership, 801 Second Ave. North, Nashville, TN 37201.

They will need to complete the paper form if they wish to pay dues either by Payroll Deduction or Check/Money Order.

If this person needs to join for the remainder of this membership year with full benefits, including legal services, they would need to complete the form I am attaching using the following dues:

NEA – $81.67
TEA – $123.54

These are prorated dues as of the month of April.

If this person has never been a member before, they will qualify for the New Teacher Rebate program.