NSF announces deadline and webinars for Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program


NSF recently announced Aug. 25 as the deadline for Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program proposals. NSF’s Division of Undergraduate Education and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will offer two 90-minute webinars on preparing the proposals. The webinar for Tracks 1-3 (capacity building) will be from 12:30 to 2 p.m. (ET), Tuesday, April 28, and the webinar for Track 4 (research) will be from 4 to 5:30 p.m. (ET), Thursday, April 30.

The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program seeks to encourage talented STEM majors and professionals to become K-12 mathematics and science (including engineering and computer science) teachers. The program encourages creative and innovative proposals that address the critical need for recruiting and preparing highly effective elementary and secondary science and math teachers in high-need local educational agencies.

For more information, contact Jamie Murdock at jlmurdock@tntech.edu and visit our website link.