Undergraduate STEM Research Seminar: Felicity Hills, University of Michigan


This week’s Undergraduate STEM Research Seminar will be given by University of Michigan graduate student Felicity Hills. In her talk A Graduate Student Journey: From Biomathematics to a Search for the Neutron’s Electric Dipole Moment, Felicity will describe how as a graduate student she is contributing to a worldwide effort aimed at better understanding fundamental aspects of the universe by searching for the neutron’s electric dipole moment. That’s not what she started out studying, however, so Felicity will also talk about how she found her way to this particular research. The seminar will be this Friday at 4pm in Bruner Hall 210 with snacks served starting at 3:30pm. These seminars are geared for undergraduates from any STEM major, but graduate students and faculty are also encouraged to attend! (And if you do any sort of undergraduate research at TTU and would like to talk about your work as part of this seminar series, please send an email to Dr. Holley, aholley@tntech.edu.)