Consider serving as a judge for 18th Annual Research and Creative Inquiry Day


The 18th Annual Research and Creative Inquiry Day is planned for in person at the Hooper Eblen on Wed. and Thurs., April 19 and 20. The event, which is designed to promote and provide a venue for presenting student research and creative inquiry, is open to undergraduate/graduate students from all departments.  We need judges from across campus to evaluate the students’ work.  If you are an advisor, we encourage you to work with your students and sign off on their submission forms. 

Poster judging will be from 4 p.m to 6 p.m., Wednesday, April 19 at the Hooper Eblen centre this year. Students are invited to be available to discuss posters, and hors d’oeuvres will be served.   

Judges should register at the judge registration link (you may have to log into Tech Express with your TTU credentials).  Visit the Office of Research website for a complete schedule and updates as they become available.  Call or email us at 372-3374 or for more information.