Rural Reimagined to Provide $150,000 in Faculty Funding Support


Rural Reimagined is excited to announce that it will be granting over $150,000 to TN Tech faculty members to help support rural-related projects! Involving faculty in the efforts to serve our rural communities perpetuates generations of impact as it educates and inspires their students to do the same. Regarding the importance of partnering with TTU faculty, Grand Challenge Committee faculty chair Dr. Jeff Boles states, “Faculty-led projects that examine and propose solutions to challenges in rural communities provide students an additional educational experience, one that also has the potential to culturally enrich their lives. Involvement in TTU’s Grand Challenge helps create the Tech of tomorrow.” Currently, Rural Reimagined is developing an application and peer reviewed proposal process. If you are a TTU faculty member that would like to be considered a recipient, please expect another announcement via Tech Times for our application. We are excited to hear about your vision for our rural communities and continue our mission through you!