Student Absence Notifications via Maxient


A new electronic process for delivering student absence notifications is now in place. If a student absence notification request is approved, the student’s faculty will receive a notice via email with a link to the absence memorandum.

Please note these emails originate from Student Affairs has worked with ITS to ensure these communications bypass Tech’s email filters so they will not appear in clutter or junk folders. The Maxient emails will contain the following:

    • Subject line “Student Affairs Absence Notification,”


    • Body text indicating the emails are official correspondence from the Student Affairs Office, and


    Branded with the Student Affairs seal.

As always, faculty members are welcome to contact the Student Affairs Office at or 931-372-3411 if they have questions regarding these communications.

For more information, please visit the Student Absence Notifications page on the Student Affairs website.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we transition to a new notification system.