Center Stage Presents: Author Michael James Rizza


Please join us, Thursday, October 20, for two events featuring novelist Michael James Rizza.

“Writing Stories: Engaging your Reader through Plot”

Thursday, Oct.20, 11-11:50am, Henderson 305

Michael James Rizza looks at the different elements of plot and how they work together to grab your readers’ interest and keep them turning pages. All are invited.

Rizza’s debut novel, Cartilage and Skin, was chosen as winner of the Starcherone Fiction Prize and won a silver medal in the Foreword Best of the Indies in the Thriller/Suspense category. He is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Eastern New Mexico University.

An Evening with Novelist Michael James Rizza

Thursday, Oct.20, 7pm, Backdoor Playhouse

Rizza will read from his fiction.

“Cartilage and Skin has it all: a fast-paced narrative, cool language, downtrodden characters, and addictive intrigue, Rizza writes with dark high-energy and philosophical flair. The story shifts with every page, never losing momentum, always surprising us. Fascinating, ferocious reading.”

– Deb Olin Unferth, author of Revolution: The Year I Fell in Love and Went to Join the War