AAUP Chapter Meeting on Feb. 10


The Tennessee Tech Chapter of AAUP (American Association of University Professors) will hold its February meeting this Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 4 p.m. through Zoom.  AAUP plays a key role in addressing matters of concern for institutions of higher learning around the country, helps to set national policy, and works to preserve shared governance and academic freedom.  At Tennessee Tech, our chapter is a voice for everyone, but it’s up to you to join in the conversation.  Helps us steer our chapter to be a champion for Tennessee Tech.  All are welcome; you do not have to be a member to participate in our meeting.  For more information, contact Dr. Elizabeth Propes (epropes@tntech.edu  or elizabethpropes1870@gmail.com); Dr. Josie McQuail (jmcquail@tntech.edu); Mr. Mark Rogers (mcrogers@tntech.edu); or Dr. Allen Driggers (edriggers@tntech.edu).

Zoom link: https://tntech.zoom.us/j/83460448543?pwd=N0F4Y3VYWkY3QVQwUGJFR3o0bThkdz09