Tennessee Tech Positive Body Image Awareness Day- February 22, 2021


The Positive Body Image Awareness Day (#PositiveBodyImageAwarenessDay) was enacted by Bill F20-007 submitted by Kinsey Potter of SGA and coordinated by Angela Rector and Abby Eibel of the Counseling Center.  Please join events occurring on February 22nd which include: 10am on Instagram @tntechcounsel IC Live: Join Shonta and Angie of the Counseling Center for Mental Health Mondays,                    11am-1pm Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority “Trash Your Insecurities” and free incentives at the CAF, Human Ecology Department informational          display and “Take a message/Leave a message” in restrooms at Oakley Hall, Information table in the RUC Lobby courtesy of the Women’s Center, Interactive events and information courtesy of Health Promotions/Campus Recreation at Burnett Fitness Center, Informational              display of Positive Body Image books at the University Book Store, Messages on Mirrors Campaign across campus restrooms courtesy of SGA and Greek Life, and many more!