Rise Against Power-based Violence with One Billion Rising!


One Billion Rising is the biggest global campaign to end violence against women. Tech community members will come together, rise up, and stand against sexual assault and gender-based violence in all its forms. Join Project AWAKEN, PEP and the Women’s Center for Tech’s Ninth Rising as we unite with activists worldwide in this effort.

This year, the event is adapted to be a week-long event that everyone can participate in from home! To participate, submit any form of artistic expression (such as a painting, drawing, poetry, or video) related to OBR, rising, healing, or support for survivors.

Need artistic ideas?  Stop by the table display in the RUC lobby for ideas, coloring pages, and “I’m Rising For” signs, participate with one of these, or create your own art piece. Submissions can be sent to awaken@tntech.edu by 2/13 (a picture of the submission is fine). ALL submissions win a prize!!