Co-op Meetup #3 will be Held Virtually on Monday, Mar. 8, at 5 p.m.


Did you accept a cooperative education position with an employer recently?  If you accepted a co-op OR are planning to in the near future, attend the Co-op Meetup on Monday, Mar. 8, which will be held virtually via TEAMS at 5 p.m. Any student interested in accepting a Cooperative Education position with an employer MUST attend a Co-op Meetup. The Co-op Meetup will explain the eligibility guidelines for enrolling in the Cooperative Education Program, which went into effect July 1, 2019 for all students.  Pre-registration to enroll in the Co-op Program is now required and attending a Co-op Meetup is your first step!  The eligibility guidelines can be found at:

Bring your Eagle Card for quick sign-in.

To attend virtually, access the link to TEAMS in Handshake Events. To receive credit for attending, you must log in with your Tennessee Tech email, participate if asked to during the workshop and be present for at least 80% of the presentation.

Center for Career Development
(931) 372-3232